Sunday, January 15, 2006

Not feeling well :(

So, I've been quite a bit under the weather lately. So I've watched lots of movies, but haven't had the enrgy (or ability to focus) to actually blog.

Most notable movie watched? Luther. I was very impressed. Joseph Fienne's portrayal of Martin Luther was inspired. He came across as fervent, devout, reverent, and yet without sounding or appearinf pompous or arrogant. I particular liked the way he isportrayed as grappling with Satan in the midst of chaos and/or despair. And in the end, after raging at his unseen yet everpresent enemy, he simply lay on the floor and says "I am yours. Save me." Wonderful. Supporting cast is also superb. I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't yet seen it, so I won't go into too many details. But, that does make this difficult. To watch Luther's journey from idealistic Catholic monk, to questioning his own faith, to confusion over local church practices, to disillusionment with the church in it's entirety, to fervent desire to serve his Lord and attempt to reform the church. It's simply awesome. Fiennes portrays these emotions so sincerely.

Admittedly, the Catholic church is not treated favorably, which I would think is to be expected considering the topics covered and explored.

I highly recommend this film to anyone who wants to learn more about the protestant reformation. I'm no historian, but I believe that while many things may have been fictionalized to progress the story the basic occurences leading up to the famous 99 point thesis, as well as those occurring in response to it, are accurate.

Hopefully I'll be feeling better soon and can spend more time blogging my thoughts. Movies currently in my home awaiting my attention: Firefly Season 1 Disk 1, Grease, The Dark Crystal, The Interpreter, Bridget Jones' Diary, A Cinderella Story, Saved, Real Women Have Curves and Final Fantasy Advent Children.


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