Friday, January 27, 2006

Exciting times here at Hupe's home

Our church has been having this rally thing with a group of guys called team Impact. They are BIG guys who do amazing feats of strength. Really cool stuff. In between the feats of strength, they share their testimonies and the gospel. At the end there is always an altar call for any wiching to accept Christ, and last night my son DID! So we ar every happy and proud right now. He's got a long and difficult road ahead - not terribly sure he completey understands his decision, but we'll be here to help him out with it.

That said, not much else going on around me. Had to work a little bit today, and other than that been doind not much. Haven't even played any games yet (although I plan to play some Guild Wars, and maybe even some Neverwinter Nights - been thinking about pulling that one off the shelf again here lately. I'd play some Morrowind, but the fun is gone without all the plugins I got used to before. maybe if I could convince my precious husband to find and install some of them for a Valentines gift..........

So, watching The Adventures of SharkBoy and LavaGirl. Hmmmmm. Well, first of all, it's for kids. nad my kids are seemingly REALLY enjoying it, since they are glued to it. For adults, though....... Well, there is lots of humor and cute stuff. So, I mean, my husband and I have had quite a few laughs. But, in the same vein as in Spy Kids 3D, the effects are a little bit cheesy. Not BAD - CHEESY. But if you can handle that, then it's a cute movie. And, of course, kid-safe.

Just brought home (along with SharkBoy and LavaGirl) Stealth. Tell you all about it later ;)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Feeling Better.......

But not 100% yet. Makes it hard to concentrate. We've watched a lot of things letely. Before getting to movies, here's what's going on in my world. My oldest child has an ear infection :s. Not that it's got her down or anything. She won her schools spelling bee a couple weeks ago, and will be competing in the area bee February 7. I've finally finished a quilt I've been working on for around 7 months - YAY! Been playing a bit of Guild Wars (which is REALLY aggravating my son, because he wants me to play Age of Empires III so he can watch). And what I've been reading is a group of romance novels (yeah, I know, don't go there :P) revolving around a Navy Seals team. And my Bible, of course. Currently reading Jeremiah and Acts. And my house? Well, it is no where NEAR even approaching clean :P. Now, on to the movies!

Watching the entire Firefly series one disk at a time. Curently waiting for disk number 3 to get to us. I am REALLY loving this series. It's really just too bad that it didn't fare better :(. Watched the Fighting Temptations a couple days ago. I liked it. It was pretty clean, and did a good job IMO of portraying a church full of sinners - those that are forgiving, those that are self-righteous, etc. Basically, real people. And it was nice to see T-Bone. He's a great guy.

Todays review is going to be of the movie Saved!. Wow, what to say. It probably goes without saying that this film most likely offends almost every Christian out there. But I have to say that, over all, it didn't offend me. One reason might be that I had certain expectations before viewing that prepared me for much of the content (which is NOT child-safe, I should mention). Starring Mandy Moore, Jenna Malone, Macauley Culkin, Patrick Fugit and Eva Amurri, it takes place at a Baptist High School. Being Baptist myself, I did have issues with many of the portrayals, but at the same time, I feel it's important to be able to laugh at oneself. So, while the portrayals were over-the-top, they definitely represented some of the worst behaviors that many of us Christians are, unfortunatley, capable of.

The main character, played by Jenna Malone, begins as one of the seemingly most spiritually secure students. But it quickly comes to light that in a moment of crisis, her faith is put to the test, and continues in that vein throughout the movie, leading to confusion and insecurity. Christians are portrayed as people who act as if they are sinless, heartless and on a crusade to simply save everyone in their path. But, in private, these people behave little to no differently than those who do not claim Christ. Significant spiritual leaders having affairs, mothers so caught up in their own lives they can be unaware of their own daughters pregnancy even with a 6-month baby bulge, and psuedo-spiritual teens who use prayer requests as a vehicle for gossiping about their peers and grabbing attention for themselves. This sounds horrible, and it is. Problem is that in today's society, we actually see our fellow Christians behaving this way. I believe that the lesson to be learned from this film is about love. Out of all of the scenes and points that the filmmakers were likely trying to make, what stands out to me the most is this:

In one scene, close to the beginning, Mandy Moore's character targets a "heathen" student who is vocally crude, dresses inapropriately, etc. She preaches at her about how she should accept Christ and enjoy eternal rewards etc (which is, of course, true). But she does so in an almost rude manner. And she makes little or no attempt to befriend this student. Christ made relationships. He loved every person He spoke with. This method of openly despising the very same people we *think* we're witnessing to is horrible, and not at all Christ-like. We can show people love, build relationships, and care for people while not condoning their behavior. Not only CAN - but SHOULD. We are called to love these people. And it is impossible to truly love them, and especially impossible to influence them in any way, when we openly mock them. Mandy Moore's character openly mocks the same people she is supposedly trying to "save".

In all, yes, the movie is a bit offensive to Christians. But I suppose the question should be is it offensive because it's blatantly untrue - or because we can see ourselves in these characters and we don't like what we see? I think the second, because to be honest, for the unchurched to see us the way that they portray us has to mean that we are behaving that way. We should begin watching own behavior, and make sure that we leave nothing for them to mock, other than those things for which Christ warns us we will be mocked - the message of His Name.

*edit* As I finish this, Firefly disk 3 arrives in my mail slot - guess what I'm about to do ;)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Not feeling well :(

So, I've been quite a bit under the weather lately. So I've watched lots of movies, but haven't had the enrgy (or ability to focus) to actually blog.

Most notable movie watched? Luther. I was very impressed. Joseph Fienne's portrayal of Martin Luther was inspired. He came across as fervent, devout, reverent, and yet without sounding or appearinf pompous or arrogant. I particular liked the way he isportrayed as grappling with Satan in the midst of chaos and/or despair. And in the end, after raging at his unseen yet everpresent enemy, he simply lay on the floor and says "I am yours. Save me." Wonderful. Supporting cast is also superb. I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't yet seen it, so I won't go into too many details. But, that does make this difficult. To watch Luther's journey from idealistic Catholic monk, to questioning his own faith, to confusion over local church practices, to disillusionment with the church in it's entirety, to fervent desire to serve his Lord and attempt to reform the church. It's simply awesome. Fiennes portrays these emotions so sincerely.

Admittedly, the Catholic church is not treated favorably, which I would think is to be expected considering the topics covered and explored.

I highly recommend this film to anyone who wants to learn more about the protestant reformation. I'm no historian, but I believe that while many things may have been fictionalized to progress the story the basic occurences leading up to the famous 99 point thesis, as well as those occurring in response to it, are accurate.

Hopefully I'll be feeling better soon and can spend more time blogging my thoughts. Movies currently in my home awaiting my attention: Firefly Season 1 Disk 1, Grease, The Dark Crystal, The Interpreter, Bridget Jones' Diary, A Cinderella Story, Saved, Real Women Have Curves and Final Fantasy Advent Children.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Well, here goes.............

I've never blogged before, but thought I'd try it as a way to gather my thoughts, keep them somewhere "easily" accessible so that I can refer to them later if need be. For the most part, I think I"ll be just posting my thoughts on the movies I've most recently watched. Thing is, that could be a new release, new to video, or years old for nostalgia. You just never know ;-) My thoughts usually take on a spiritual nature, due to my strong Christian Faith, I tend to glean moral and/or spiritual lessons out of the movies I watch - even when there wasn't one intended by the creators. Heck, even when it's OPPOSITE from the ones intended by the creators LOL.

Even though that's my initial intent for this blog, I can't say that I'll stick strictly to it. I'm just as likely to ramble on about my Bible study of the day, how my kids are behaving, or my husband for that matter. I could blog anything - beware.

So, currently on the TV screen in my home is The Scorpion King. Yeah, the one with The Rock. It's an okay movie really, though I rarely choose to put it in the DVD player. See, we bought the Mummy Collectors Edition, so it had all 3 movies in it. My husband and I wanted the 2 Mummy movies, but it turns out our 6 year old son ADORES the Scorpion King. Who knew? So, he regularly puts it in when I'm not dictating his choices to him. Sad to say I haven't paid near enough attention to it to be able to glean any kind of lesson out of it.

As the credits roll, same son has decided to now play Spaceballs. Gotta love Mel Brooks - it's like a requirement.